Auditing in Accounting - GSJ AccuBooks


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Monday, September 28, 2020

Auditing in Accounting

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Audit in Accounting




The word ‘Audit’ is derived from the Latin word, audire, which means ‘to hear’. Originally, it was customary for persons responsible for maintenance of account too go to some impartial and experienced persons, ordinarily judge, who used to hear these accounts and express their opinion about their correctness or otherwise. Such persons, were know as ‘auditors’.


Audit is the examination or inspection of various books of accounts by an auditor followed by physical checking of inventory to make sure that all departments are following documented system of recording transactions. It is done to ascertain the accuracy of financial statements provided by the organization.


Audit is a periodic, independent examination and verification of the assets and liabilities and financial transactions and controls of a company to determine the reliability of its accounting records. The objective is to enable the auditor to express an opinion on the financial information provided. Auditing is a branch of the accountancy profession, carried out by professionals qualified to form an independent opinion about the accuracy of a company's accounts. The audit aims to ensure that the company's financial statement provide relevant and reliable information, although it cannot be assumed that an auditor's opinion is an assurance about the future viability of the company or about the efficiency of management in running.

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Definitions of Audit

‘An examination and verification of a Company's financial and Accounting records and supporting documents by a professional, such as a Certified Public Accountant’.

‘An audit is an IRS examination of an individual or corporation's tax return, to verify its accuracy. There are three types of audits: correspondence audits (the IRS mails a request for additional information), office audits and field audits (an interview is conducted at a taxpayer's place of business, for a corporate tax return). Since there is always the change of an audit, experts recommend keeping good records to support all the information in a return. The reason detailed and accurate bookkeeping is so important is that the burden of proof is on the filer, not the IRS’.                                  




Auditing in Accounting


Origin of Auditing


The Origin of ‘Auditing’ may be traced back to the 18th century when the practice of large scale production was developed as a results of industrial revolution.


The industrial revolution of England was another landmark in the history of trade and commerce. This led to great increase in the volume of trading operations which necessitated the use of more capital and the average trader was compelled to combine in partnership with others.


The Institute of Chartered accountants in England and Wales was incorporated by Royal Charter on May 11, 1880 with the sole purpose of preparing auditors. Usually, auditors in India were aso prepared by this institute. In January 1923, the British Association of Accountants and auditors was established and a person after passing his examination from this association could be fully competent to work as professional auditors in India.


Definitions of Auditing


M.L. Shandilya: -‘Auditing may be defined as inspecting comparing, checking, reviewing, vouching, examining and verifying the books of accounts of a business concern with a view to have a correct and true idea of its financial state of affairs.’


‘Auditing is an important professional task carrying heavy responsibility and calling for commensurate skill and judgment’


Auditing in India

From 914 to1932 the history of Auditing in India dates back to April 1 1914 when the Indian Companies act, 1913 came into force. The growth of the Accountancy profession in this country was actually an outcome of this act, which made in obligatory on the part of every Company registered under it is have the Accounts audited at last once every year. The act for the first time prescribed the qualification for an auditor.


Initially the Government of Bombay was first to arrange for conducting the courses of study in this direction. The qualification

of being an auditors was obtained by passing the examination of the Government Diploma in Accountancy [G.D.A] conducted by the Bombay Government.


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Objects of an Audit


The main object of audit is verify the accounts and to report whether the Balance sheet and the profit and loss account have been drawn properly according to the companies Act and whether they exhibit a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the concern.


The verification of accounts is done to see if they are correct, complete and in conformity with the Law.


The main objects of audit are following


Detection of errors and fraud,


Prevention of the recurrence of those errors and of fraud.

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